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Summer 2016

We had a pretty busy summer. Nothing really seemed to qualify for its own “adventures” post, but we had a lot of fun and went to some beautiful places, so I thought I would post a photo gallery of some of our summer activities, which included: June – Adventure Cycling’s National Bicycle Travel Weekend – …

Riviera Maya

On Thursday, March 7, 2013, Zach and I (Jennifer) left the house at about 4 AM for a short but very pleasant Mexican adventure, courtesy of Zach’s employer. We flew from Spokane to Cancun via Denver, and were driven to our very posh home for the next four nights: the Grand Velas Riviera Maya, a …

A Moving Adventure

We have just moved across the state, from the Seattle, Washington area to the Spokane, Washington area! The place we left was a pleasant 1500 square foot house built in 1960, located in a hollow in the city of Shoreline, Washington, about three blocks north of the Seattle city limits. It was in an urban …

Racks and Signs

I’ve posted two picture galleries, one showing all the Bike Racks I photographed in Europe, and another of the various Signs we saw. Perhaps not very useful, but I enjoyed collecting them, and perhaps someone will enjoy looking at them. To find them, follow the links at the top of the blog page, or click …