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Into Austria

We made it into Austria this morning, and noticed several differences right away. The river valley is closed in on both sides of the river, leaving little room for roads, bike paths and towns. The railroads have disappeared, and the bike path is nice and smoothly paved, with very little car traffic. We’ve noticed an …

We’re on our way

After all the preparation and packing, the departure date has finally arrived. We’re off to Europe! Expected arrival time in Zurich at about 7:35AM local time Thursday. We’ll unpack the bikes, ride to nearby Winterthur, and hopefully the next blog post will be from Europe.

Packing the Scorpion

Even though the HP Velotechnik Scorpion Fx is a folding trike, its still a bit large and unwieldy, so some additional dissassembly is required in order to make a small enough package for airline travel. I was able to purchase a large double-walled box from the UPS Store (30″ x 30″ x 30″), which I …

Getting ready

Zach and I are preparing for a 6 week bicycle adventure in central Europe in September (stay tuned for more details): Today’s task was setting up this blog, so our interested friends and family can follow our trip if they want to. We’ve been talking about routes, getting maps, etc. over the last few weeks …