We recently returned from the second of two spring trips. In April, we visited friends and relatives in Florida and Georgia, and in May, we visited friends in Costa Rica. It was great to see all the friends and relatives that we don’t see all that often (plus Zach’s new nephew Bo!). And we also were able to do some walking and hiking with our friends and relatives, where we saw many types of wildlife, including:
- Lots of birds! In Florida and Georgia, we saw a lot of water-and-swamp dwellers, such as cranes, egrets, anhingas (kind of like cormorants), and ibis. We also saw other types of birds (woodpeckers, songbirds), and Jennifer enjoyed looking up all the birds in the new bird app she got for her phone (much lighter weight than carrying a bird book!). In Costa Rica, the bird highlight was definitely the toucans (several species), which seem to fly just fine in spite of their over-sized beaks. We also saw toucanets, oropendula, humminbgirds, and many songbirds, and we heard many more than we ever saw (thick jungle). Grackles were a common theme in both Florida and Costa Rica.
- Reptiles: In Florida, we saw many alligators lounging around in the swamps, and a tortoise. In Costa Rica, there were countless lizards and geckos, a basilisk or two, and a few iguanas.
- Mammals: Dolphins In Florida. In Costa Rica: monkeys, coati, agouti, sloths. I’m not really counting the squirrels we saw in both locations.
- Amphibians: In Costa Rica, we saw a few brightly-colored poison dart frogs, and even had a frog in our room one time!
- Fish: We did some snorkeling in Costa Rica, and saw some pretty fish. It wasn’t the best snorkeling location, and technically we had masks but not snorkels (traveling light!), but it still added some interest to the swimming.
Here are some photos from our trips, in chronological order… Alas, we’re not great wildlife photographers (nor do we lug huge telephoto lenses along with us)! So, mostly photos of places and/or friends and relatives.
Our April trip started with a Wednesday flight to Gainesville, Florida. We got rerouted to Huntsville, Alabama and delayed by 12 hours due to storms in Atlanta along the way, but eventually made it there, and met up with Jennifer’s cousins Sheila and Christian for a walk in a park (Jennifer forgot to take any photos, silly her!). Then…

After returning from our Florida and Georgia trip, we had about a week and a half at home before we headed off for Costa Rica (which luckily didn’t involve any flight diversions!). Jennifer’s old friends Juvenal and Maro met us at the airport, and we spent the next two weeks with them and their daughter Emilia, seeing some of the sights of Costa Rica.

Dear friends looking the pictures show me how fast is the time goes, as well as how thankful should we be for our long long friendship, and why not Costa Rica is a beautiful place, love you, see you soon.