On the third day riding north from Elsau, we finally reached the start of the Danube bike route.
We rode north from Elsau to reach the Bodensee in Steckborn. Riding in Switzerland is fun, and as we were following a national cycle route, we didn’t have any trouble figuring out where to go. We saw tons of people cycling, mostly just local people using the bike as transportation. No one seemed to be wearing bright colors the way we do to make sure the cars can see us — I guess because everyone cycles, the cars are always watching out.

At Steckborn, we took a ferryboat across to Germany in Gaienhofen. At this point finding an ATM was top priority, as we had no money at all, since there was a new currency to deal with. Luckily there was an ATM available soon after getting off the boat. That night we camped at a Canoe club campground along the Bodensee (Lake Constance) in a small town called Iznang.
The next day we set off northward, and had a long day with some steep climbs (Jennifer saved her knees by pushing the bike up a couple). We ended the day at an Inn (Gasthof) in Hondingen, just 16 kilometers short of the Danube.

The next morning we rode the easy 16k to Donoueschingen where the Danube bike route starts. Along the way, we started to notice lots of houses, barns, and fields covered in solar panels. The Germans seem to be adopting solar power very aggressively.

In Donoueschingen, finally the Danube route starts! Stay tuned…
Wow, that one hill is really tall. That’s a heckuva climb. So I see you got Zach’s GPS thingie working again.
Germany is über serious about solar power. They have been pushing a solar energy program for about 10-15 years I believe.
So, has anyone commented on your recumbents? Vas ist das? :-)
Actually, no, Zach’s GPS is not working. But the plugin we use to make the maps allows you to click on points to make a route, so that’s how we got the route in there. :)
I am glad you guys made it over there. Thanx for posting all this. Looks like an awesome trip! Have fun I will check back again!