We had a pretty busy summer. Nothing really seemed to qualify for its own “adventures” post, but we had a lot of fun and went to some beautiful places, so I thought I would post a photo gallery of some of our summer activities, which included:
- June – Adventure Cycling’s National Bicycle Travel Weekend – we bicycled from our house down the Centennial Trail to Riverside State Park for the weekend, with our friend Tom from the board gaming group and his son Daniel.
- June – Tater TOT – a gathering of recumbent trike riders in Kellogg, Idaho
- July – Three-day backpacking trip with my sister Alice and her partner Paul, where we circled Broken Top mountain near Sisters, Oregon
- We did a lot of volunteering with the Washington Trails Association (WTA), including a 3-day trip in August in the Selkirk Mountains north of Spokane, where we built some bridges with the Backcountry Horsemen
- Late August – My high-school friend Heidi, her family, and other high-school friend Evan came to visit. No good photos, but we had a very nice time walking in the area, going to a baseball game, playing board games, and hanging out.
- September – 3-day backpacking trip in the Blue Mountains, in SE Washington state
- September – Went to Glacier National Park with my dad and his partner Gwen, where we did some canoeing and hiking
- September – 4-day backpacking trip in the Wallowa Mountains of NE Oregon, with Alice and Paul
Whew! Especially the last 4 weeks involved a lot of doing and driving! And there were several other things we did, at home and away, that I didn’t even mention. Anyway, we did definitely have a great time on all the trips, and are glad to be home for 10 days or so before we go off on our next adventure… stay tuned! Meanwhile, here are the photos. Enjoy! (Remember, you can click on any photo to see a larger version.)